A Rough Guide to Neurodiversity and Me
We are all neurodiverse, and some of us are quite divergent. We may struggle with being considered ‘different’, from being mislabelled, misunderstood or just having our needs misread.
Our neuro-divergence can be exacerbated when it isn’t understood by others. It can also be made much worse when we don’t understand it ourselves.
This programme is about uncovering our own patterns, processing and preferences and comparing and contrasting them with peers. It is not about applying big labels but much more about creating the space for attention, insights and understanding our idiosyncrasies.
Clean questions and generating our own metaphors and models for how we like to work act as potential antidotes to being shamed or humiliated, by others or by ourselves. This approach allows us to reconnect directly with our own experience and this in turn protects us from the limitations of labels.
Over the course of six weeks you will embark on a personal journey, within a small, diverse group, to uncover your invisible architecture, i.e. to learn more about your patterns and preferences. This programme will highlight your areas of flexibility and inflexibility - and you will learn how to advocate unapologetically for your needs. You’ll also learn how to make reasonable adjustments for others.
During “A Rough Guide to Me” you will learn:
- How you process single words
- When you are at your best, you’re like what?
- When you’re at your worst, you’re like what?
- What masking is and when do and when don't you want to be doing it?
- How you make decisions
- How your memory works
- Some strategies for making reasonable adjustments for others who process differently
As well as these themes, which have emerged over Caitlin’s many years of using Systemic Modelling with groups, there will also be space for this group to develop themes of significance for you.
From understanding yourself and others we can lead into a discussion on balancing rights, requirements and responsibilities to others.
This course is primarily for personal discovery. If you'd like to be able to be able to run this kind of programme for others, we recommend you follow it up with Clean for Teams and Systemic Modelling.
Caitlin will facilitate the group cleanly, with curiosity, respect and gentle humour. The aim is for the group to generate their own insights, understanding and inspiration.
“Concepts are drawers in which knowledge may be classified; they are also ready-made garments which do away with the individuality of knowledge that has been experienced. The concept soon becomes lifeless thinking since, by definition, it is classified thinking.” (Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, page 96)
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